Jelang Wisuda, FTIK Gelar Yudisium

Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan (FTIK) IAIN Kendari melangsungkan Yudisium program Sarjana di Gedung FTIK IAIN Kendari pada Kamis, 29 September 2022. Yudisium dibuka langsung oleh Dekan FTIK IAIN Kendari, Dr. Masdin, M.Pd.Rosmini, S,Si., M.Pd. selaku ketua panitia sekaligus Ketua Program Studi Tadris Biologi dalam laporannya mengatakan bahwa ada 61 Read more…

In The Rebound

Hi, I’m Liz and that I’m today a rebound woman. Meaning, I Really Like him. Plenty. The guy likes myself plenty. But the guy just adopted of a commitment, a three-year, messy, disastrous connection that simply concluded, virtually. I have found myself continuously becoming there for him, lifting him up, Read more…

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